ADHD: Top 9 Common Misconceptions You Didn’t Know

ADHD has become one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders of the modern day, but there are still a ton of misconceptions circulating about this particular condition. To fill you in on everything you need to know about the truth on ADHD, we are here to debunk any of the myths you may have heard. All you have to do is keep reading!

1).  ADHD Is a Kid’s Disorder
This condition often appears in children, but it can form in adults as well. Additionally, it can follow children throughout their life. An estimated 10% of kids are diagnosed, but roughly 4% of adults have the disorder as well. In many cases of adult ADHD, the condition is overlooked due to this misconception.
2).  They Will ‘Outgrow’ It
It is possible that kids can mature out of this condition, but it doesn’t always happen. Approximately 70% of children who have symptoms will continue to battle throughout adulthood.
3).  It Has to Be Treated with Medication
It is important that ADHD be addressed and treated, although medication isn’t the only option to do so. If medication doesn’t sound like a good option for your particular case, other possibilities include counseling, behavioral modifications, or simple changes in lifestyle.
4).  People Who Have It Are Lazy or Dumb
False. Despite the predilections that many people have about ADHD, it is caused by an imbalance of chemicals in the brain that alters the nature in which it functions. It is in no way linked to intelligence capabilities or motivation. Although the individual may face more difficulties in life, they can be overcome. Even Albert Einstein was said to show symptoms of this disorder.
5).  It Isn’t Real
Many people often consider ADHD to be a “pretend” disorder, diagnosed to people who seek attention. However, this simply isn’t true. The symptoms of this condition are produced by neurobehavioral abnormalities that can present problems in brain function, and it is very real.
6).  It Is Caused by Bad Parenting
We don’t know where this misconception came from, but it is quite the opposite. Both genetic and environmental influences may spark the onset of this condition, but parental decisions have no part in the process.
7).  If You Can Focus, You Don’t Have It
There is a bit of truth to this claim because a main symptom of ADHD is the inability to concentrate or focus. However, this can be overcome with the right methods; often, those struck with this condition can focus more if they are interested in what they are focusing on. Creative approaches are often a great way to handle this symptom, especially because these people are extremely imaginative. Many who are affected have been known to experience “hyperfocus” for activities they really enjoy.
8).  ADHD Kids Are Hyper
This may be true in some cases, but not all cases. There are generally three types of behaviors associated with ADHD: the inattentive attitude, the hyperactive or impulsive type, or those who have a combination of the two.
9).  It Is Over-Diagnosed
Quite the opposite, really. This misconception is often spread by people who believe that ADHD isn’t a “real” disorder. Despite this predilection, the condition is actually extremely underdiagnosed, especially in adults. We hope you enjoyed learning the truth about the nine most common misconceptions about ADHD!
By Kristan Manning
Mar 21, 2016
Source: ppcorn
Posted by Kids Are Special in ADHD
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