Video shows what it's like to live with autism... Can you make it to the end?

A video has been made to convey the experience of living with autism. The video highlights the sensory overload experienced by many autistic people during everyday activities.

Understand autism, the person and what to do. The short film, entitled 'Can you make it to the end?', was released by The National Autistic Society to coincide with World Autism Awareness Day, April 2nd.

Mostly shot in first person, it was made to highlight the sensory overload that can affect people with autism, as part of the society’s Too Much Information campaign.
It follows a report by the group which found around half of all autistic people - of which there are 700,000 in the UK - and their families sometimes don’t leave the house because they worry about how people will react. 
The video – best watched with headphones and on full screen - shows an autistic boy, played by 10-year-old Alexander Marshall, walking into a shopping centre with his mother.
While the trip starts normally, small details flash up which are picked up by Alexander.
Specifics which would go ignored by a person without autism – the detail of party balloons, the sound of rustling packages, change dropping on the floor – become the central focus of attention.

Alexander: "I’m not naughty. I’m autistic.

For autistic people like me, the world can be a terrifying place. Sometimes sounds feel like my head is exploding. Clothes feel like my skin is burning. And when a tiny thing changes, it feels like my world is ending.

Sometimes I get too much information. And if you only see a naughty kid, you haven’t got enough".

Warning: this film contains flashing lights, bright colours and loud, sudden noises





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