
Showing posts from May, 2017

What to Say to Calm an Angry Child

Doors slamming. Teeth gritted. Feet stomping. The anger just rolls from such a tiny body and leaves you feeling helpless. You are doing everything you can to keep your cool, “It’s going to be okay” is all you seem to be able to muster.  Your child is convinced the world is against him and that it is for sure NOT going to be okay.   As the door slams, you slump to the ground with your hands over your face and wonder… what could I possibly say. You are not alone. In fact, time and time again, I am reminded of just how many of us struggle to have the words to say to calm an angry child. We’ve been taught that no child should speak to an adult like that, yet deep down we know they just don’t mean it either. Here are 13 helpful phrases to calm an angry child are perfect for those heated moments. I love you. It is incredibly important to remind your angry child that you still love them. That no matter what they say to you , you will indeed love them. These three words should