Recognizing Learning Disorders in the Classroom
Characteristics of learning disabilities that can hide in plain sight Teachers are often the first to notice that a child might have a learning disorder. Sometimes the signs are easy to spot — a student who just isn’t making headway in reading, for example. Or a child who, despite obvious effort, can’t seem to master the times tables. But the signs are not always as clear, and many children, embarrassed that they are struggling to do things that seem easy for other kids, go to pains to hide their difficulties. Here are some less-obvious signs of learning disorders in children to watch for in the classroom. Not living up to his potential If you notice that a student who seems as if he should be succeeding, but he isn’t —either in one specific subject or in his overall school performance — it could be a sign that he has learning disorder. This is often described as a discrepancy between ability and aptitude i.e. a gap between what it seems a student should be able to do and what...