Setting Limits the Montessori Way

By Rubi Being a mother is one of the biggest challenges I will ever have. In my opinion, caring for a tiny human being could be one of the most rewarding things in the world and the most stressful thing at the same time. Now that F is able to walk everywhere, she doesn’t want to stop (which actually makes me really happy, unlike some other parents who complain about this issue). F is free to move and touch almost everything around the house. As she grows and gains more confidence she shows her temperament in different ways. Most of the time she has a hard time understanding that there are things she is not allowed to do such as: Hitting the glass door with her toys or materials Hitting her friends with her xylophone’s mallet Grabbing the toys from her friend’s hands (Over and over. She follows them and takes or wants whatever the other child has.) Screaming at her friends in the face to get a toy back Walking while eating or drinking All ...