
Showing posts from March, 2016

How can I tell if my child has a learning disability?

Sometimes what you worry may be a learning disability is just a temporary setback that your child will outgrow. But it's best not to wait and see. You'll be doing your child a favor if you trust your instincts and you don’t ignore the concerns you have now. Early intervention can make a big difference in your child's future. During the preschool and kindergarten years, children learn at different rates and with different styles. But if your child has significant trouble with numbers, letters, or speech, he may have a learning disability. Learning disabilities are a category of disorders that stem from how the brain processes information, making it difficult to grasp some concepts. A child with a learning disability may understand a story perfectly when it is read to him but will struggle to answer questions about it afterward. Another child might easily recite the alphabet from A to Z but be unable to name individual letters when they're pointed out. Still another chil

Doctor Said He Was “Sorry” My Adorable Identical Twins Had Down Syndrome, But I Wouldn’t Trade Them for Anything

School: The tiny twins are starting at a mainstream school Every child is special, and Jodi and Matt Parry know that even better than most parents. They are mum and dad to identical twin girls, Abigail and Isobel, who also have Down’s syndrome – the chances of which are two MILLION to one. “Sorry” The adorable four-year-olds were diagnosed with Down's syndrome three weeks after their premature birth on 29 th June 2011. Parents, Matt and Jodi, admit they first thought this was "a life sentence" - but now devote their lives to busting myths and misconceptions around the genetic condition. The first words the doctor said to them when they received the news were: “I’m sorry”.   Mum, Jodi, says she was daunted when she heard her babies had Down's syndrome but once they were born she realised they were no different. Jodi says: “The day our twin girls were diagnosed with Down’s syndrome it felt like a life sentence. That day, I didn’t feel like a mother. I just felt lost