10 Tips To Get Your Students To Sit Quietly In Class
It can be hard to get children to sit still in circle time or at a desk. Ideally, we can take the time to see why a child may be having trouble. For those that are young, fidgety or distracted, we need to know they are not doing it to bother us, and we need to have strategies to help them be more attentive. Remember, some children can sit still longer than others. Other children need to fidget or move because their nervous systems just are made that way. Here are some ideas and strategies for assisting restless kids: 1-Use a visual cue. For example, if the teacher is reading Spot, the children can hold beanbags, and every time the teacher says Spot’s name, the children have to toss the beanbag into the bucket. This keeps him attentive! 2-Use carpet squares or bean bag chairs. Space the kids out so they are not on top of each other! 3-Some kids can not sit unsupported (and unless you are super strong in your core, you can’t, either!). Make sure you identify these kids, and lean ...